After a long period of listening to our beloved "hobby" is the radio, and with very little information at hand, because of the distance, finally our dear friend Paco Cortadellas Jesuit Father decided to pull out the official target in the where he lives and works as a surgeon at the Hospital of Goundi, working day and night to care for the health of the most humble. from now and you will not be "Paco Chad", now you're "Paco TT8FC".
Before licensure, Paco always I had a hole in his work was listening on 14.128 MHz. I remember one day I was present and informed us of their concerns over the radio. From here it was only start working to get the whole team and the respective antennas.
It started with the issue and decided me traveling to Chad to install the anthers and carry equipment, to avoid problems at customs. Paco sent the import license for all maleriales that he would donate. And here begins the adventures of my trip
Finally the approval of import permits even though we had very complicated due to elections in the country was obtained, and things come slowly ....
The trip, which is a bit tricky as there is only one flight a week from Paris to Ndjamena and thence to Sarh is linked to an old Foker, only once per week was prepared as it is the only plane in the country when you need the government flights are canceled; Sarh to Goundi Hospital for "road" jeep 120 Km.
From my QTH of San Sebastian I went to Madrid in talgo, from Madrid to Paris and from Paris to Ndjamena with Air France; in the capital of Chad Violenne I expected (the servico of the diocese travel) that I thank you from here, because had it not been for their assistance in customs procedures and speed and knowledge you have in the country would not have been possible in half an hour link with the old and weary Foker Air Chad Sarh direction.
During the hour and a half flight. Sarh could see through the window always the same image mist because of the desert sand in suspension and ... more savanna and savanna. Upon landing in Sarh I expected the Anna doctor and after sealing another control is loaded everything in the 4 x 4 wherein lueron me looking. Dirt tracks, for two and a half hours, we were able to tour the 120 Km. In total, 24 hours since I left San Sebastian.
After lunch and some rest I became present at the press of RSF to report my arrival OK, which pleased everyone, thanks to two Italian aid workers were mounted masts.
Paco taught me the hospital, his operating room and two operating tables, where he spends most of the day, they also taught me the orphanage, workshops and the new church.
The next day, in the morning, I began to mount the Yagi under a sun that began to "crack" in the afternoon I continued with the installation of the equipment, coupling and source and the power supply system batermas (they only have electricity 9 : 30 to 13:00 and from 17:30 19:00 aa; when operating in the operating room
extends a little more light generator)
The next morning cut a branch from a tree that impedman rotate the directional antenna and was located 12 meters high. It ended up mounting the dipole and afternoon I decided to release the installation. We went nuevamerte in the "Wheel of RSF" where EA4RSF Paco were, EA3GAA Mari Carmen, EA2ADJ Josemi, EA3JJ EA8AOD Josi Maria and Pedro.