I looked into the face of Paco TT8FC and saw in him the satisfaction of the controls they gave us (it has opened a window to the world). At night at dinner we celebrated with a good Rioja wine I brought from Spain for the event. The day finished adjusting antennas as we could to ratitos and light began to operate in CW, so I could enjoy the work and cooperate with many stations that did not have this country in CW.

The drive home was heavier, because due to air links took me three days to arrive and was complicated in the office of exit in Ndjamena, then again got in trouble Violenne that was me looking, made me open my backpack and to see the manipulator asked me what they took out of the country; I happened to tell them he had come to fix x-ray apparatus to Goundi Hospital, and this was the electronic materiar that recesitaha to find the fault. Another new police control more Chadians and one more by the crew of Air france ski to door before boarding; from here to Paris with arrival at 6 am and from Paris to Madrid on another flight. In Madrid I expected EA4AHK Paco and EA4KT Antonio, both of RSF
I went back to take the Talgo towards San Sebastian! Finally at home and mission accomplished !.

Radio is not only the 5/9, really assist and cooperate with what you like best, which is the radio, it's a satisfying and worthwhile, RSF has not only realized a project more, has provided a place incommunicado for a radio station to a "great man" who is giving everything he has with his work to help others.
For this project we had the help of the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECI) that appreciate having covered travel expenses

José Ignacio EA2CLU, March 1997, published in the journal "amateur" 5/97 p.47
Our Projects in Africa: Tchad (cont.)

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Inscripción Registro Nacional: 25 de octubre de 1995
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