Has hardly been a year since our first project in Zaire; (after the fall of Marshal Mobutu has regained its former name of Congo) when we return again to this country for the installation of 5 teams HF for the Community of Sisters of the Daughters of Charity, in the "Democratic Republic of Congo "and 3 more in the neighboring country of the" Republic of the Congo "(also the country after the civil war has changed name, has lost its" popular "now is the new name of" Republic of Congo ").
The stations will be installed in the region of Ecuador located northwest of the Democratic Republic of Congo at 0 ° of Ecuador, along the Congo River basin. Power will be supplied by solar energy and broadband antennas. The missions where they will be installed are to: Bikoro, Itipo, Iboko, Yumbi and Bolobo in DRC Braza, Epena and Lukolela in R.C.

Arrival in Kinshasa.

As the Airbus flight computer "Air France" noted the few miles were missing for landing at Ndjili airport Kinsaha, was coming over me great concern. I could not help remembering the treatment received in my previous visit to this country, where I was taken to the interrogation room by police Marshal Mubutu just days before the fall of the dictator. I was accused of helping Rwanda because my passport visas (previous year had been twice in Rwanda) and then Rwanza and Zaire were at war. I think my fear was more than justified. According to Alfonso Armada correspondent for the newspaper El País (sic): "This airport is one of the most frightening places on earth, where you can hardly get out of it without being robbed and humiliated" ..... also Alfonso correspondent Red Worldwide write (sic): "Landing in Kinshasa is a traumatic experience even for war correspondents baqueteados" ....

On this occasion my new passport was clean - only entry visa - plus I had been assured that, at least at the airport, the situation had changed. In all honesty, I have to say this is: really something has changed since then. The treatment was successful and I even surprised to receive a sentence shower Congo, coming from a military policeman of the new President, Laurent Kabila.

Back in the office, thanks to the intervention of Jorge Uriarte and undoubtedly the rosaries prayed by the Daughters of Charity and the "Verbum Dei" who had come to meet me, got my luggage out of the office smoothly. The two stations HF and accessories carrying my luggage had been donated by EA8ABF and EA8ADV. One of them was intended for the community of "Verbum Dei" in Kinshasa. The other, for Ijwi Island on Lake Kiwu border with Rwanda. A particularly contentious area because of the almost daily attacks carried out the Rwandan Tutsi army against the Hutu guerrilla refugees in Congo.

Congo Brazzaville

The next day, while installing the equipment in the community of "Dei Verbum" the Daughters of Charity were responsible for providing me a visa for 48 hours and a ticket for the boat that connects Kinshasa to Brazzaville, separated only 4 km. by the Congo River. The distance between them really is not much, but difficulties to cross from one another huge hand.

To avoid problems traveling almost with nothing, yes, in my bag everything needed for emergency repairs. welder, tester, connectors, SWR meter. curable tape hoses etc. The truth is that this material did not wake even the slightest curiosity among the four military records to which I was subjected before crossing the river. Brazzaville is a city

Our Projects in Africa: Congo-Kinshasa

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Inscripción Registro Nacional: 25 de octubre de 1995
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