When I reported in the Spanish International Cooperation Agency that the proposed "antennae and communication project" in Cameroon 98 "not granted us, RSF did not sink, took out my courage and began to manage the project materials, improved quantitatively the final project. We could not cut off in the middle of the forest region of northwestern Cameroon in health centers of St. John of God in Batibo or the Missionary Sisters of Mary Widikum patients.

We could not leave two ambulances cut off from their respective health centers and three health posts koan Mbengok and Olorunti; they are in the jungle and to get them the locals have to travel many hours and walking sometimes days.
From here we get up each donor in our respective QTH on Friday October 9, until Sunday the 11th, when we arrived Batibo 2030, only got 3 hours sleep the night from Saturday to Sunday because on Sunday at 4 in the morning we had to raise to reach Batibo day. This might not be so because the roads and rains in the area. The night of Friday, 9 was spent at the airport of Madrid / Barajas between 39 enormous suitcases and packages, solving the problems of office of exit of the heavy 400 kilos of material we had to ship.

We arrived in Douala at the foot of the aircraft steps, we expect our good friend Jose (TJ1GS) and just past the building of the airport were also on our waiting Sister Fuencisla and François, the president of the newly founded Association Radio Amateurs of Cameroon, with the engineer of the Ministry of Telecommunications, our friend Acho. Thanks to good knowledge of all these friends are passed directly to customs by signing the general manager of the airport customs entry documentation of all incoming material as well as the output document of our teams, who had to return to Spain .

Group work focused on RSF install 7 VHF stations with their respective antennas, masts, anchor material and solar panels. Two of the stations were installed in the Toyota all-terrain vehicles that make the role of ambulance. Also the directional antenna was repaired and allowed to set up a G5RV dipole Jose Garcia Sierra, brother of St. John of God in Batibo (TJ1GS).

In the health center Widikum settled A3S a directional antenna and another G5RV dipole. Once installed and when we put the team (TS44OS) of nuns to work, he said that did not work, we were 23 kilometers from Batibo (by car if all goes well you can make the round trip in three hours), but if someone stuck in the "paths of mud" can take the infinite. Among aid workers who went to mount the antennas to the mission decided that we had brought donated equipment for shipment and later return with us to Spain to be installed Sizucla Father Antonio Naranjo (TZ6ASN), I surrender to the Missionaries of Widikum, then the driver was sent to locate the computer to Batibo, took three hours to return with the newly TS50 ... and finally connected to the world, we in the wheel 14,128 RSF Widikum daily, and from Spain we drove many hands to leave the team working on additional frequencies as not to carry more weight we do not get the technical manuals team. The normal frequencies between congregations in Africa are below the 40 meter band.
"The emotion of being connected" (1998)
Our Projects in Africa: Cameroon (1998)
Radioaficionados sin fronteras
radioamateurs without frontiers

(radioaficionados sin fronteras - radioamateurs sans frontieres)

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