In the cities of Goma, Bukavu, Rwanguba and refugee camps of Mugunga. Katale and some others began to crowd the Hutu refugees who fled from the region of Uvira. near Bujumbura due to ethnic flict between the Tutsi, Hutu and banyabulenges. In all these refugee camps are provided with details of some religious and several NGOs. as, Médicos Mundi, Farrnacéuticos Without Borders, the world etc Medicus. We also during the conflict period have been present through muchísirnas hour "radio" to look forward to helping all who needed us. There were tense moments of uncertainty until he finally was able to evacuate the people who were unable to leave the conflict zone for several days.
Rnuchas received phone calls from around the country interested in the status of persons who were in the Great Lakes region. We also heard messages and receive requests for help from aid workers, some as mon after being stolen and looted informed us that his mission was there to refugees and refused to be repatriated. Others, after learning of the assassination of Archbishop Bukabu. decided to leave the area and they spent rnuchos days pending the convoy could get them there, these days were endless, because not even the UN convoy managed to enter the area.
He spent a QTC to "Radio Exterior" to inform all those who were in the Bukavu area of the emergency meeting at the home of the parents Javerianos day 4 to 10 hours. to be picked up by the convoy and evacuate them. This QTC was passed by "Radio Exterior" on several occasions at the request of our ambassador to Zaire.
We remember with great sorrow, the great strength of herrnano July (rnarista) on 29 October, when we radioed that the four herrnanos of cornunídad chose to stay in the refugee carmpo (in this area had more than 20,000 and the sigientes three days, reached another 20,000), had no water, no food, no medicine. The work - of course .- overflowed them. pusiesemos asked us to inform the media of the tragedy that was happening and asked urgently, food, medicines to the authorities of our country. We made contact with the National Radio and Radio Exterior in which the brother Julio of voice calls made
In mornento of writing-as you know all - all 4 Marist brothers were brutally murdered. They chose to remain, their mission was there, helping relugiadas. God has put in his house. They rest in peace.
The problem becomes acute in the area and unfortunately, it will be very difficult to solve, mainly due to disinterest UN. Without a broker controlled by international military might, the arrival of food, water and medicine to the area. becomes impossible.
The result: hundreds killed daily as a result of epidemics and famine, thousands of orphans and over one million displaced.
For all those who called us asking for Fernando EA4BB, comment that, fortunately at the time of writing this article (12 noviernbre), is in Nairobi to await return home.
We thank all the staff of our embassy in Zaire work, perseverance and help. Thanks to them the evacuations were unable to perform smoothly. Were and continue to be for many hours, working tirelessly.
EA4RSF, Octubre-noviembre 1996, Publicado en la revista "Radioaficionados" 12/96 pag.78.